같이: 같이1 [같게] as; like; in the same way[manner]; similarly; in a similar way; alike; likewise. 여느 때와 ~ as usual. 위에서 말한 바와 ~ as (stated) above. 그가 하는 것을 보고 꼭 ~ 해라 Watch him and do likewise[as he does]. 그
아래: 아래1 [하부·아래쪽] the lower part; the bottom; the foot; the base. ~의 under / lower / downstair(s). ~에(서) under / below / beneath / underneath(바로 아래) / downstairs. ~ (쪽으)로 down / downward(s). 나무 ~에서 under
그같이: 그같이 (in) that way; in that manner; like that; thus; so. ~ 허둥대지 마라 Don't be in such a hurry. ~ 재미있는 이야기는 난생 처음이다 I've never heard a more charming story. / A more interesting story was never told. ~ 나